The Issues you may face when wearing the Scleral Lens.

The Issues you may face when wearing the Scleral Lens.

Issue : normal saline foggy after wearing the lens. The deposit will cause the normal saline underneath the lens foggy.

Solution : You should remove the lens to clean and reinsert or you probably clean your eyes with normal saline.


Issue : Poor vision it may caused by wrong wearing the lens, unclean lens or lens scratched.

Solution : From the wrong wearing lens issue, you should switch the lens wear. If you don’t remember you should call to the clinic.

From the unclean lens issue, you should clean the lens. If the lens still foggy, you should clean the lens with protein cleaner(Progent)

From the lens scratched issue, you should come to the clinic for checking lens.

Issue : Red eyes around the lens can happen when you wearing the contact lens. It’s not dangerous and it will be better after remove the lens. If you have red eyes, photophobia and a lot of eyes booger. You should call to the clinic immediately.